Saturday, April 26, 2008

Books About MS

If you have been recently diagnosed with MS or have been living with it for a number of years you may be overwhelmed by all the books, literature, etc. you find about it... Here are some new (last two years) books that you may find as interesting and useful as have I in learning about and understanding life with multiple sclerosis.

Shadday, Allison LCSW MS & Your Feelings **** Excellent book even for someone who is not "touchy-feely" nor prone to talk about disease issues. I think it may be the best book I've read about MS and dealing with it – with many things applicable to other diseases.
It is easy to read, well organized and seems to pick up on all the subtleties that many with MS may never discuss even with spouses. The examples highlight people living with MS and offer concrete suggestions for dealing with daily issues that impact the quality of life no matter what the status of their disease. Readers may feel a bit chagrined to see themselves and have to admit - yes, that is I; but the author is also living with MS and recognizes things many other writers on this topic have missed by miles. Her common sense approach is refreshing and I was pleasantly surprised by how well she captured the range of emotions that seem to "chart" along with the ebb ad flow of MS.

Kalb, Roalind C., editor (4th edition) Multiple Sclerosis: The Questions You Have the Answers You Need***  This is a very big book with lots of answers to the questions you may be thinking about especially if you are newly diagnosed. Also serves as a reference for others who are dealing with the symptoms of MS, have questions about treatment, daily living concerns, emotional issues, etc.

This book is not strictly about MS although as an autoimmune disease it is frequently mentioned and is well worth reading...

Nakazawa, Donna Jackson The Autoimmune Epidemic : Bodies Gone Haywire in a World out of Balance and the Cutting Edge***1/2  This book focuses on the large number of autoimmune cases being diagnosed (MS among others).. Studies indicate the probable causes are environmental factors & chemical exposure. Everyday items from lipstick to plastics increase the risk. If you, a family member or friend has an autoimmune disease you'll want to read this book. It is a prime example of why consumers need to think about what they ingest, use, etc. Be prepared to count all the ways you and your family are at risk.