Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Non-Fiction Picks for the Week

Both of these books offer food for thought ---- author, nurse, humanitarian and school builder Greg Mortenson is back with more stories on using education as a tool for peace and understanding in STONES INTO SCHOOLS. His simple message and good works will open your check book as well your heart when you read  the words of his continuing story. This tale  has been written by many helping hands from across the country who believe in his vision. (Be sure and also buy the children's versions of his books and don't forget to take a minute and send in a check to make educational opportunities a reality.  I still cherish a postcard I have from his organization with a young girl wearing a headscarf reading the Dr. Seuss classic  IF I RAN THE CIRCUS. The  Central Asia Society is a top ten any day and Mortenson's books always make my favorite's list.)  An upbeat book, an inspiring message and an author you can feel good about supporting. It's worth reading and a great book to share with a friend.

Waste, Uncovering the Global Food Scandal,   uses dumpster diving as a starting point for explaining what happens to left-over foods from our grocery stores. While it is based in the UK the author makes the effort to include information on US chains (yes, even Kroger and Walmart get mentions), as he traces the often sad story of unsold food. It is at times sickening, sometimes depressing but ALWAYS informative. And you thought you knew about expiration dates?